This will be a webpage and blog about the climate issues with facts and what we can do first of all. Secondly about a healthier, greener lifestyle which will support the climate solution (not that I’m great at it), some activities and other interest. There is too much noise in the climate debate and too much talk. We need to get the most important facts sorted out so we see the actual picture, then we can see what we can help with and what our governments need to do and not only creative bookkeeping of the climate budget.
I do have a scientific background and degree, molecular biology with a decent amount of chemistry, including environmental chemistry. In my work I have been privileged with the opportunity read a lot of scientific work within biology, chemistry, environment, health and technology for 20 years. I have been setting up environmental certificates in a couple of companies and quality certificates at more than one, so I know that goals and measurements are important to improve. Again just talk gets you nowhere, too bad politicians haven’t received this message.
And yes, I’m maybe too privileged growing up in Norway and do spend too many resources in my everyday life, but I try to change and do better. I’ll buy second hand, eat more veggies and less red meat (but yes I will keep eating some), drive an electric car, change the windows of my house to save energy, use my feet and take the train if possible. We have to find a better balance between our lifestyle, consumption and the planet we are sharing. And I have 2 kids, we cannot let them take care of all the problems we all have been part of creating by overspending resources and polluting for more than 100 years.
And I really would like feedback, suggestions and new cases we need to look into to get a better picture.